Black Mirror Season 3

Insecure office worker Lacie lives in a happy, smiley, status-obsessed nightmare world. Her old friend Naomi is one of society’s elites, and Lacie may have found a way to join her…


A thrill-seeking globetrotter visits Britain, hooks up with a woman and tests the latest in video game technology – “a device as mind-bendingly sophisticated as it is terrifying.”

When withdrawn 19-year-old Kenny stumbles headlong into an online trap, he is quickly forced into an uneasy alliance with shifty Hector – both of them at the mercy of persons unknown.

California, 1987: San Junipero is a fun-loving beach town synonymous with sun, surf, and sex. And for recent arrivals Yorkie and Kelly, it’s going to be a life-changer…

A military story set in a post-war future. A rookie soldier is posted overseas, protecting frightened villagers from an infestation of vicious feral mutants alongside fellow soldier Raiman. They’re hoping some new technological advantage will save them.

A police detective and her geeky young sidekick investigate a string of grisly murders with a sinister link to social media.

Black Mirror Season 4